My Studio, Brookwood Recording, is based in the city centre of Glasgow and provides a relaxed and inspiring environment to create, write and record your music. The studio is based around a spacious live/control room, which has been acoustically partitioned to give the perfect environment for recording a variety of acoustic instruments, whilst also having a tight and controlled area for mixing.

I firmly believe that key foundation for any record is the drum sound. and my studio has been designed with this in mind. Brookwood Recording is home to my vast collection of modern and vintage drums, all of which have been accumulated over many years of chasing after a variety tones and sounds, and all of these can be utilised to get the exact sound you’re after for your recording. In addition to all the drums, Brookwood also has a huge selection of microphones, pre-amps and outboard processing all with the intent of adding the long desired analog “mojo” during both tracking and mixing phases.

With working remotely being easier than ever before, location does not need to be a limiting factor for me to work on your music. Thanks to the magic of Zoom and Audiomovers, recording and mixing sessions can be attended from anywhere in the world. You can listen to some examples of recordings undertaken at Brookwood Recording here.